Monday 24 November 2008

Robot Angel of Death

Here is a work-in-progress shot of the robot that I am working on for the exhibition. I wanted a darker more sinister personality for this interpretation so I came up with the character "The Robot Angel of Death" complete with Nike Air boots, angel wings and devil horns. There is still a bit more work to do before the sculpt is finished - notably some tidying up around the back of the wings and some tweaking to the trainers. Once this is done I will make a mold of the new design and get the whole thing re-cast to ensure that the piece is nice and strong but also so that as one single piece of resin the paint job will look even across the whole model. In terms of paint job I was thinking matte black all over with maybe some silver detailing on the face.... although as with everything it's always a case of MIUAYGA (make it up as you go along!)

1 comment:

Steve Talkowski said...

I love your robot design! Looks like a fun show. Looking forward to seeing the 3d version. Will you be animating him in the future? Sketchbot says "hi!" - he'd make great friends with your little bot!