Thursday 5 March 2009

New character

We decided a little while back that it was time for a change in direction - well stylistically anyway. Tired of the cute and cuddly vector characters, we wanted to create a new set of heroes that were edgier, hand-drawn and more story driven.

So here are the first glimpses of some development sketches I worked on yesterday.... it's still very early days - she doesn't even have a name yet but she has been bouncing around in my head for a few months and now that the robot exhibition is done it gives me a little more time to work on her. She is a little Tank Girl-ish, but cuter with huge exaggerated features (big head, hands and feet). There are going to be comparisons to the Tomb Raider franchise but I can assure you Lara Croft is a f*cking pussy compared to this chick.

So much western character art is influenced by Japanese manga and anime (and rightly so, that shit is the benchmark) and our older stuff definitely was based on cool cartoons and comics we had seen growing up. The designers republic early stuff is a perfect example of east influencing the west and doing a wicked job adding a little British spin on top. But after a few years trying to emulate these guys it's time to shake off the shackles and try to push the creative boundaries out further.... and hopefully this new character is the first of many that will do that. There still are the references to classic anime (the girl's proportions are similar to capcom / udon's puzzle fighter characters) but we are trying to put a massive UK element into the new stuff.

From the very beginning we have changed the way we have approached this project, with a lot more time being spent on developing the characters background and story before even the first sketches were laid down. We are hoping that this gives the new stuff more longevity and hopefully opens up the opportunity for animations or licensing the characters.

So for now, enjoy the little sketch... there is sooooo much more to come.

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